Do you know how pigmentation is affecting your skin for that are you in search of Best Skin Clinic In Madurai

Do you know how pigmentation is affecting your skin for that are you in search of Best Skin Clinic In Madurai


Hi guys, Do you have a pigmentation problem. There are two main types of pigmentation problems: melasma and age spots(solar lentigines). Melasma is a chronic acquired skin disorder characterized by symmetrical, brown pigmentation that usually affects the face. The majority of cases are seen in women and can result in considerable social and emotional stress to the sufferer. It usually develops between the ages of twenty and forty and is more common in olive tones or darker skin types. Affected areas typically include the forehead, cheeks and upper lip. I got this information from the Adityan skin & Hair laser centre, as they are Best Skin Clinic InMadurai.

Normally, Brown spots and discoloration commonly develop in sun-exposed sites of fair-skinned people. They can, however, also occur in those who can easily or have darker skin. Typically, they are found on the face, chest, forearms and the backs of the hands. They become more prominent as time passes and one gets older and is the result of cumulative sun exposure over the years. Affected areas are not necessarily symmetrical and may be patchy or scattered. I got this information from the Adityan skin & Hair laser center, they are Best Skin Clinic In Madurai. For more contact @ 73 73 163 000 or surf their website @ For more updates, you can surf @

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